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Who We Are

OWN Your Safety Inc. was founded to address a critical need within the ground disturbance industry to educate employers and workers of the complexities of ground disturbing work so that they KNOW Before You Dig! 

The KNOW Before You Dig course was created to provide employers and workers the tools needed to work safely on ground disturbing projects:

Utility Infrastructure Awareness (UIA)

Safety is the Foundation of Everything We Do!

Our Mission

To provide comprehensive safety training, tools, consulting, and investigative solutions for individuals and organizations so that everyone takes ownership of their safety before they DIG (break ground).

KNOW Before You DigI TM

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Grant Piraine C.E.T., DPT

Founder and President of Own Your Safety Inc., an Ontario based firm that specializes in ground disturbance education, utility damage investigations, and consulting for organizations involved in ground disturbance activities.

Mr. Piraine was the founder of four private locate companies in Ontario and Texas (OnSite Locates, Premier Locates and Know Before You Dig Locates Canada and US) and has over 34 years of experience in Utility Locates, Utility Engineering, Engineering Consulting, and Project Management. 

Mr. Piraine’s passion lies in Damage Prevention and he strongly believes that we must teach the next generation entering the excavation industry how to dig safely around buried utility infrastructure. In 2018, he launched Own Your Safety’s, “Green Hand Program” and has guest lectured at over 12 Colleges and Universities in Ontario.


Since 2005, Mr. Piraine has been an active member within the ORCGA as a Damage Prevention Technician (DPT) Program Developer, DPT Trainer, Symposium and Geographic Council Presenter, and former Co-Chair of their Best Practice Committee.

Mr. Piraine is an experienced speaker on Utility Infrastructure Awareness and Ground Disturbance and has had many engagements at a variety of conferences and training seminars. He has written many published articles for the damage prevention industry as well as all of the articles on the KNOW Before You Dig blog on this website. 



Our Services

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